Kriti was founded in 2005 to create a cultural dialogue between artists, as well as between artists, the local people of Varanasi and art itself. The residency gives to artists from around India, and from all over the rest of the world, the time and space to focus fully on their practice and research. The program is free and unstructured; artists are under no pressure in making their work, in putting together an exhibition, or in leaving any artwork behind at the end of their residency. Apart from sharing the same grounds, the gallery and the residency are separate spaces with different functions.
Banaras Cultural Foundation (BCF) was created to also give the work done by Kriti Gallery and Residency a broader perspective. Kriti Gallery and Residency is now part of Banaras Cultural Foundation. As a foundation BCF will continue to organise exhibitions at the Kriti Gallery space. The residency program has been further supported and expanded to a residency program for artists, scholars, researchers under the Anandvan Residency Program. Anandavn is a historic name of the city which emphasises the concept of Forest of Bliss. The Residency Program is housed in one of the few remaining garden houses of the city.
The 10-year journey of Kriti Gallery would not have been possible without the helping hand of a countless number of people. We would like to take this opportunity to thank them all, and to try and find a way to mention them individually. This publication was conceived as a way to acknowledge the artists who have made Kriti what it is and who are the pillars and strength that holds Kriti Gallery together. This is a celebration of the friendships, collaborations, and coming together of people from around the world.